Guaranteed transaction protection for buyers & sellersTradeSure safeguards the seller against any risk of payment default by the buyer as it removes the control of payment of the invoice from the buyer to TradeSure’s Escrow Trust Account. TradeSure then ensures that the amount is released on the fulfilment of specified delivery conditions.
For example, if you are selling your product, you need to have the assurance that you will receive the payment when your buyer receives your goods.
Similarly, the buyer would want to release the payment only when they are assured that the goods are delivered. The TradeSure Escrow Trust Account satisfies both these expectations and offers the safety that is required to go ahead with the transaction.
Equally, online transactions are an ideal platform for using TradeSure’s Escrow Trust Account. It is often deemed risky to buy items online. For example, if you are buying an item online, you may insist on holding the purchase price at TradeSure’s Escrow Trust Account until you receive the item and are satisfied with its authenticity.
Normal sale and purchase transactions can call upon the services of the TradeSure Escrow Trust Account if the buyer and/or the seller identify a need for independent oversight of the payment transaction.
How does it work?
Thus in a transaction where the TradeSure Escrow Trust Account is used, the following sequences take place:
The Buyer and the Seller agree on the terms and conditions of sale.
The Buyer pays the invoiced amount into the TradeSure Escrow Trust Account.
The Seller delivers the goods or services.
The Buyer confirms receipt of goods or services.
The TradeSure Escrow Trust Account immediately releases the invoiced amount to the Seller.
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