Business Reports

Comprehensive KYC (Know Your Customer) Reports.
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Industry Credit Group Business Reports quickly deliver the background reports needed to confidently make informed credit decisions.

These better decisions will help your company save time  and mone  through reduced liability and loss prevention.

Whether your business is a one man band or a multi- national Plc, you never want to trade on credit with a company unable to pay for goods or services. Every new  account customer looking to operate a trade credit  account needs to be verified.

We provide a much more in-depth reporting process which would be ideal for any sized business.

By using a third party credit control company for ID and credit checking and account set ups you can greatly reduce the risk of bad debtors, and ensure the safety of your own company’s finance. From recently established limited companies to sole traders with little or no  company background information, we can offer complete assistance to businesses that do not have the right resources, time or experience to do it themselves.

The range of services included is listed below:

  • A Credit Application form is completed and returned
  • Trade reference checks
  • Full Credit reference check
  • Director search
  • Registered office check
  • Confirmation of Banking address and details
  • Assess available financial information
  • Physical, photographic inspection and GPS Tagging
    of company premises with automated link to Google Earth
  • Annual subscription to AutoAlert which immediately alerts you of any changes in your customer ’s credit standing.

All of this means saving time and money for your business by identifying potentially bad debtors and uncreditworthy customers. We reduce the risk of bad debt and limit open exposure.

Benefits to your business:

  • Save valuable time in having to carry out this function using internal resources
  • Identify potential bad debtors
  • Help eradicate uncreditworthy customers
  • Reduce the risk of bad debt
thumbnail of ICG Business Reports Flyer

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